Electricity / Phone / Internet in Peru
We live in a digital age and our dependence on electronics and the internet has become a way of life. You will undoubtedly be bringing some electronics on your trip to Peru. Here is some general guidelines to ensure you come prepared.
The electric voltage in Peru is 220 volts, 60 cycles - twin flat blade (as used in the USA) and twin round pin plugs (as used in continental Europe) are both standard here. If you travel to Peru with a device that does not accept 220 Volts at 60Hz then you will need a voltage converter/transformer which can easily be bought in electrical shops in the main cities.
In most hotel bathrooms, there is an electrical outlet with 110 volts for electric shavers which cannot be used for irons or hairdryers.

Internet Access
All of the hotels you will be staying in will have WIFI. Speeds are not quite to International standards but you can expect to receive between 1 MB/s & 10 MB/s, good enough for watching Netflix or YouTube, sending and receiving e-Mails and making or receiving International web based video or voice calls.
Roaming agreements exist with some international mobile phone companies. Check with your mobile service provider to see what coverage is provided in Peru.
You can also rent a local cellphone (which is rather expensive), buy a local chip for around $7US (if your cellphone is unlocked) or buy a cheap cellphone for aproximately $25US. You can find the local cellphone companies (Claro and Movistar) at the Lima airport at international arrival or at Peru Plaza (both on the second level) and in all major cities.
Call centers and public payphones are also available in all major cities. Coverage is sporadic outside of city centers.
Calling Peru from the US or Canada:
Dial 0051 + telephone number
Calling the US & Canada from Peru:
Dial 001 + telephone number
WhatsApp offers free International Calls if both Parties have the App downloaded.